Distributions of Seeds and Other inputs of Black gram crop under CFLD Pulses 2024

Krishi Vigyan Kendra Pokharni Nanded-I organized Cluster Frontline Demonstration (CFLD) Pulses programme at village Barad Tq.Mudkhed, Bhayegaon Tq.Nanded, Shahapur Tq.Ardhapur. Seeds and other inputs of Black gram variety TAU-1 were distributed to 125 farmers under CFLD Pulses 2024. Mr. Sandip Jaybhaye Scientist (Agronomy) gave detailed guidance to the farmers about varieties of Black gram as well as proper planting, fertilizer management, planting distance and Dr.Devikant Deshmukh gave detailed guidance on water management and land preparation. Dr.Mahesh Ambore Scientist(Veterinary science) also guided to farmers about cultivation and natural farming. At this time, majority of the farmers were present.

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